Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie
I heard someone reading a book out loud to her horse the other day. It was by “Shakespeare”. He must be a very wise fellow. He said: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” I believe that to be very true.
There is great power in stories. There are stories that teach us about the past, help us imagine the future, and take our thoughts on journeys to places our bodies couldn’t possibly go. The power of story has been recognized for millennia. A story can move a heart, a mind, and an entire world. The pen may truly be more powerful than the sword.
The stories you tell yourself shape your life in the most profound way. How you talk to yourself, the stories you ruminate and chew on as you think about the day, literally shape how you feel. The stores you tell and re-tell in your mind about yourself, your position in life, your body, and your experiences, actually become your life!
When you call a friend, do you tell her about the wonderful things that happened that day, or do you find yourself gossiping or complaining? Do you tell more stories about your failures than you do your successes? When you think about your experiences, do you remember the happy things that happened, or are you in the habit of gnawing on all the things that went bad or not to your liking?
If you knew that just by telling the story, you would attract more of what you talked about, would you change the tale? Would you look for the parts that contain the things of which you want more? Maybe you could include something happy about me! It’s your story, and I want to be a part of it!
Love, Moshi
From Indy:
I’ve been thinking… Moshi keeps saying how much he loves going to shows with Jane. He gets pampered and doted on, and then a great massage after he performs. It’s a special time for Jane and Moshi, and I can see that they really love it.
I decided I want to go to a show too. So, I started looking for a rider. I met this terrific girl by the name of Paz. She’s the perfect size for me! I found a pillow on the couch and took it to Jane to make a saddle so Paz could ride me. I just know my jumping ability will bring home a big blue ribbon to add to Moshi’s pile!
Jane patted me on the head and told me I just wasn’t cut out for carrying a person, even someone as small and cute as Paz. I was very sad.
But then Jane reminded me that I had other things I could do that were every bit as exciting and important as carrying a person around. My job is to keep Jane and Rhett fit and strong by taking them for walks and encouraging them to throw sticks and balls for me, and to keep them safe by letting them know if there are strange noises outside during the night. These are very important jobs!
Instead of being sad that I’m not built to carry a person, I decided to concentrate on what I do best, being a great dog. I’m focusing on being the very BEST dog I can be!
Do they give blue ribbons for catching the ball in mid-air? Maybe Jane will make one for me. I want Moshi to know I can win ribbons too.
I’m meeting Paz at the barn! She’s my favorite little girl. Come on over! I’ll introduce you!
Love, Indy
Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602
Jane’s Website