Male Champion Looser Retires at the Top While Eccles Family Dominate Female Final


Patric Looser and his horse Record RS Von der Wintermuehle made an emotional retirement from the sport after winning the 2011/2012 FEI World Cup Vaulting Final. Photo: FEI/Christophe Bricot/Jumping International de Bordeaux.

Bordeaux (FRA), 5 February 2012 – Emotions ran high at the 2011/2012 FEI World Cup Vaulting Final in Bordeaux, France today where Switzerland’s Patric Looser made the perfect exit from the sport when taking the Male title in style, and Great Britain’s Joanne Eccles pipped her younger sister, Hannah, for the Female honours.

This first official FEI World Cup Vaulting season visited five qualifying venues over the winter months, and today’s closing stages saw the sport at its very best.  Looser was determined to produce a better result than he did in yesterday’s first round.  “I’m going to try to enjoy every second of my Freestyle today” he said before the competition began.  “Yesterday was not my best performance – I was a bit stiff in my body although I didn’t make any mistakes, but I’m in first position by a good distance as the competition begins today and I intend to be more relaxed and just enjoy my routine and my horse!” he explained.

He succeeded in doing just that, adding this new title to the one he earned at the Final in Leipzig, Germany last April and to his career-defining gold medals at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in 2010 and last year’s FEI European Championships.

Eccles performance was also exemplary, her elegance of movement perfectly accentuated by the family horse, WH Bentley, who was lunged by her father, John.

Both Joanne, and her sister Hannah, are students at Glasgow University in Scotland and divide their time between study and training for their sport.  Joanne pointed out after claiming the FEI World Cup Female Vaulting title for the first time this evening that some of the other competitors had a more difficult experience because their horses were out of action for a variety of reasons.  “They had much bigger hurdles to overcome than I did” said the new title-holder modestly.

A total of six athlete, horse and longeur teams lined out in each of the two Finals, and the tension was palpable as the Female division got underway with Switzerland’s Simone Jaiser and her horse, Luk, posting an overall aggregate score of 7.870.  Italy’s Anna Cavallaro stumbled backwards on dismount, but still pleased the judges for a mark of 7.990 with Harley, while Germany’s Sarah Kay, winner at the qualifier in Kiel, Germany last October, had to make a hasty conclusion to her 60-second routine when also partnering Luk, but maintained fourth place when putting 8.040 on the scoreboard.

Hannah Eccles was next into the arena with Bentley, and, as older sister Joanne said afterwards, she certainly wasn’t overwhelmed when stepping into the limelight.  “She got through to the Final due to the injury of another girl – she thought her season was finished before Christmas so she came here totally relaxed and not expecting too much – and she has loved every minute of it!”.  With consummate ease, 20 year old Hannah demonstrated great artistic flow for a score of 8.227, and that really piled the pressure on the final two.

Sole French contender, Anne-Sophie Musset Agnus, was partnering a new horse, Harley, and their lack of familiarity with each other resulted in them finishing their routine after their music had stopped. With an aggregate score of 8.214 they dropped behind Hannah Eccles, and now the question was whether Joanne could keep her younger sister in check.

But the 23 year old was a sensation at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games two years ago, and although she missed last year’s FEI World Cup Vaulting Final in Germany, Joanne won her second consecutive European title at Le Mans, France last summer with another tremendous performance.  Stepping out in the marionette-style costume which complements her musical score from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, she presented a charming picture from the outset. And as her programme built to a crescendo there was no doubt where the 2011/2012 title was going as she exceeded the previous day’s high score of 8.827 when posting 8.837 this time out.

She was quick to share the secret of her success – the gentle giant Bentley.  “My own success and Hannah’s too – none of it would have happened without him!” she insisted.  “He’s as steady as a rock and so trustworthy,” added the dentistry student who will graduate this summer.

Looser too was keen to point out that much of what he has achieved is due to his great partner, the former dressage horse Record RS von der Wintermuehle who, like the vaulter on his back, stood under the spotlight for the final time today.  “We are retiring together,” said Looser who is only seven years older than the 20-year-old stallion. “I always wanted that both of us would retire in good condition and in great form.  He’s a really special horse – the best in the sport,” Looser insisted.

Remy Hombecq from France led the way in the Male Final with a score of 7.330 that may have been influenced by the edginess of his new horse, Whisper.  And 18 year old Swiss vaulter, Lukas Heppler, showed real promise when following with an impressive routine that was enhanced by his horse Waimer, which is owned by the Swiss army.  Their score of 7.984 was quickly bettered by another Frenchman, Ivan Nousse, however whose tilt at the title was seriously undermined by a fall in yesterday’s first round.  But Nousse bounced back with a vengeance today despite some still-nervous signals from Whisper, finishing with a flourish to throw down the gauntlet to the remaining three with an average score of 8.230.

And the home runner remained out in front when Lukas Kouda from the Czech Republic and Germany’s Viktor Brusewitz went back-to-back with the horse Harry Potter RS Von Der Wintermuehle – Klouda earning a final mark of 8.034 and Brusewitz finishing with 8.044 on the board.

As Looser entered the ring he might have been forgiven for some last-minute tension, but it simply wasn’t to be seen.  Record confidently swished his tail before his long-time friend grabbed the grips and vaulted onboard for one last display to the sound of Coldplay’s “Nobody Said It Was Easy”. In fact they made it all look very elementary indeed as they swaggered to victory with an overall mark of 8.817.

Based in Cologne, Germany for the last seven years, “because Germany is the biggest horse nation in the world and has the best vaulters,” according to the champion, Looser has balanced his management job for a recycling company with his vaulting career. “I’m very lucky, because the owner of my horse is also my boss so he understands when I need to take some time off!” he explained today.

In retirement he plans to remain involved in the sport and to do a lot of coaching.  He already has 110 young people under his wing at his base in Cologne, so the future of Vaulting is looking very good indeed.

The sport has developed in leaps and bounds in recent years, and stars like Looser and Eccles have attracted a new generation of fans.  Looser said today that there are better acrobats in the sport than him, but that his winning formula was always due to the relationship he has enjoyed with his horses, especially Record.  “I started riding when I was eight years old, and I am looking forward to encouraging many more young people to get involved in vaulting in the future and enjoying themselves with their horses – that is what this sport is all about!” he added.

For further information on the FEI World Cup Vaulting Final at Bordeaux, France go to website or contact Press Officer Marie-Sol Fournier at Email or Tel: +33 556 11 99 43.

Male Final – 1, Patric Looser (Record RS Von Der Wintermuehle) SUI 8.817; 2, Ivan Nousse (Whisper) FRA 8.230; 3, Viktor Brusewitz (Harry Potter RS Von der Wintermuehle) GER 8.044; 4, Lukas Klouda (Harry Potter RS Von der Wintermuehle) CZE 8.034; 5, Lukas Heppler (Waimar CH) SUI 7.984; 6, Remy Hombecq (Whisper) FRA 7.330.

Female Final – 1, Joanne Eccles (WH Bentley) GBR 8.837; 2, Hannah Eccles (WH Bentley) GBR 8.227; 3, Anne-Sophie Musset Agnus (Harley) FRA 8.214; 4, Sarah Kay (Luk) GER 8.040; 5, Anna Cavallaro (Harley) ITA 7.990; 6, Simone Jaiser (Luk) SUI 7.870.

Facts and Figures:
There were five qualifying rounds in the 2011/2012 FEI World Cup Vaulting series.
They took place in Kiel, Germany in October 2011, at Munich, Germany in November 2011, in Salzburg, Austria and Paris, France in December 2011 and in Leipzig, Germany in January 2012.
Sisters Joanne and Hannah Eccles, representing Great Britain, took the top two places in the Female Final, assisted by their horse, WH Bentley and their father John who acted as longer.
Male champion, Switzerland’s Patric Looser, and his 20 year old stallion Record RS Von der Wintermuehle retired after today’s competition.
The Judges for the series Final in Bordeaux, France this weekend were President of the Ground Jury and Judge at A: Veronique Girard FRA, At B: Ute Schoenian GER and At C: Rob De Bruin BEL.
Today’s Final brought the first official season of FEI World Cup Vaulting to a close.

Joanne Eccles – “This is my last time to perform this routine so I was determined to enjoy it.  I will start with a new routine this spring.”

Joanne Eccles – “After I graduate in June it may be more difficult for me to combine the sport with a full-time job.  But I have been very lucky – the university has supported me with a sports bursary.”

Patric Looser – “I will definitely stay in the sport – as a coach and maybe as a longer too.”

Patric Looser – “I’m very lucky because I am naturally fit – I never needed to do five hours training a day!”

FEI TV – Re-live the excitement of today’s competition, and enjoy highlights, interviews and archive footage at

Media Contacts:
At Bordeaux
Press Officer – Marie Sol Fournier
Tel: +33 556 11 99 43

Grania Willis
Director Press Relations
Tel: +41 787 506 142

Ruth Grundy
Manager Press Relations
Tel: +41 78 750 6145

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