Kentucky’s First 2011 Equine West Nile Case Confirmed

September 2, 2011 – Results of diagnostic testing reported earlier today by the University of Kentucky’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory confirms a diagnosis of West Nile virus affecting a horse in Fleming County Kentucky. The diagnosis is based on detection of WNv IgM antibodies in blood serum and compatible symptoms.

1 Equine Confirmed Today As Affected With West Nile Virus In FLEMING COUNTY

KDA Reference: 001 is a 6YR FE STDBRED – Alive

Onset Date: 08/26/11 Presented with rear limb ataxia, progressed to front limbs, normal appetite and mentation

On 9/2 – the mare is reported by the attending veterinarian to be unimproved Vaccination: No WNV Vaccination History

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture Web Page has been updated to reflect this first equine case of West Nile virus in 2011.

E. S. Rusty Ford
Equine Programs Manager
Office of State Veterinarian

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