Kentucky Horse Shows Enacts Equine Safety Protocols ahead of Summer Horse Shows

Lexington, KY – July 26, 2021 – The Kentucky Summer Horse Shows are set to begin July 28, 2021, and Kentucky Horse Shows LLC is dedicated to the health, welfare, and safety of all exhibitors both equine and human.

Due to the positive case of Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) secondary to EHV-1 at the Sonoma Horse Park, horses that attended the horse shows in Sonoma or were in close contact with horses that attended the horse shows in Sonoma between July 19 and 25 will not be permitted at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Complete details of Kentucky Horse Shows Biosecurity Requirements can be found by clicking here.

As a general reminder, nose-to-nose contact between horses should be limited and sharing equipment (tack or feeding) between horses should be avoided unless thoroughly disinfected between uses.

Thank you for your efforts in protecting the health of our equine partners during the Kentucky Summer Horse Shows.

For more information about the Kentucky Horse Shows, please visit

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