Kentucky Horse Council Works to Demystify Green Horse Farming

January 05 2010 – If spreading manure and draining waste water onto plants is your idea of going green you may be in for a big surprise. As large scale agriculture production facilities alter their management strategies to become more environmentally conscientious the spotlight transitions to the small farmer.

In an effort to provide up-to-date information on green equine initiatives, the Kentucky Horse Council (KHC) recently added a Going Green page to the Farm & Business segment of their website. The page includes links to information and articles featuring green horse farming techniques and tactics.

“Generations of horsemen having employed an array of land and stable management practices may find themselves struggling with how best to identify and utilize greener strategies. Through the Kentucky Horse Council website, those individuals can network to learn about green horse farming in the Commonwealth and around the world,” observed KHC Board President Madelyn Millard. Read more>

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