Katherine Poulin’s Brilliant Too Wins TailRx “Best Tail Award” at Gold Coast Dressage Opener Festival CDI
Wellington, FL (January 26, 2011) – Katherine Poulin’s Dutch/Thoroughbred gelding Brilliant Too showed he was brilliant during the Gold Coast Dressage Opener Festival CDI, when he not only rode away with a ribbon in the Intermediaire I class but also won the TailRx “Best Tail Award.” Sponsored by TailRx, the mane and tail restoration system for horses that can also be used on horse owners, Brilliant Too’s long and luxurious tail helped him win the highly-sought after award.
“I’m super excited that he won the Tail Rx Award because I think my horse has a great tail and I’m glad it’s getting recognized,” Poulin said, adding that her goal is to make the Pan American team with Brilliant Too.
Poulin, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, rode Brilliant Too to third place in the large FEI Intermediaire I class. “I want to congratulate Katherine and Brilliant Too on their ride in the Intermediaire class. It was a really large class and the competition was extremely stiff,” said Mary Brunetti, founder of TailRx. “I also agree with Katherine that her horse has an amazing tail. While many horses are born with tails like that, horses everywhere can now have tails like Brilliant Too’s thanks to TailRx.”
The TailRx “Best Tail Award” is awarded during select winter dressage shows to the horse or pony at the show with the most luxurious tail. “I love supporting the equestrian community and as a fellow dressage rider I love offering the TailRx ‘Best Tail Award’,” Brunetti said. “TailRx is a dream product for horse owners because it helps horses develop thick, strong and beautiful manes and tails.”
While TailRx has taken the equestrian world by storm, the success of the product hasn’t been lost on men and women seeking thicker and stronger hair. “I have appeared on ShopNBC several times, and on my January 15th appearance we completely sold out of TailRx,” Brunetti said. “TailRx works equally well on horses and humans because we are all mammals and share the same hair follicle structure. There are three pages of wonderful reviews on the ShopNBC website which speaks volumes about how well TailRx works.”
Brunetti, who lives in New York but spends winters competing in Florida on the dressage circuit, is staying busy developing five new innovative products. “Also, very soon we will be selling the three different TailRx steps separately due to overwhelming demand. In addition, the Step 2 Snap Proof serum, which strengthens the mane and tail hair and adds tremendous shine and volume, will now have a shampoo and conditioner based on the technology used in that formula.”
In addition to Brunetti appearing on ShopNBC, TailRx has been featured in a number of fashion magazines, including Marie Claire Magazine, Lucky Magazine and Nylon Magazine, as a “must have” hair product for women. While Brunetti is a dedicated equestrian, she is also a celebrity hair stylist. Brunetti was also the first woman to receive the prestigious “North American Hairstylist of the Year” award.
For more information on TailRx, visit www.tailrx.com.
For more information contact:
Mary J. Brunetti
Mary Brunetti Fine Equine Products