Japan Equine Relief

The WHIA is collecting supplies and cash for equine businesses in Japan following the massive earthquake. We are working with the U.S. state department and Japanese associations. Details will follow soon!

Executive Director Catherine Masters lived in Japan for five years and her heart is broken by the horrible natural disaster in Japan. She is asking all of the WHIA members to help her raise money and supplies for the victims and the horses.

As soon as we are confident that our money and supplies will get to the proper authorities, we will contact you again. As you know, the breeders, the riding clubs and the horse owners will need everything. CASH is probably the best thing we can send. Due to massive destruction it may take us a little while to get the proper channels working with us.

Thanks for helping us ahead of time!

Catherine Masters
1962 Graduate of Yamato High School

Women’s Horse Industry | P.O. Box 724 | Madison | TN | 37116

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