Healthy Horse Boutique Announces $200 “Tell Us Your Thoughts” Contest Winner

Healthy Horse Boutique, a one stop shop for healthy products for horses and the people who love them, has chosen Kim Schmittendorf as the winner for its $200 “Tell Us Your Thoughts” Shopping Spree. Kim used her shopping spree money to purchase from HHB’s online store web site:

Congratulations to Kim Schmittendorf for her Body Butter Testimonial.

Kim is new to HHB and so she poked around the site to find a product she liked. Kim chose HHB’s Body Butter and then to enter the contest she wrote her comment on HHB’s Facebook page:

“I bought the Body Butter to use on my hands. They are extremely dry, especially around my nail area. I put the Body Butter on at night and overnight it made a difference! I use it nightly now and don’t have any cracking or splitting of my nail anymore either!”

Kim is one of many of HHB’s customers who have discovered amazing uses for HHB’s Body Butter and Lip Balm. They are using these products for callused feet, aching backs, babies’ bottoms, open wounds and more.  And if you think these products are just for people, you’d be wrong because dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs, humans and other animals are finding great relief from head to toe. This is because of all the nourishing ingredients.

The oils used are of the highest grade. The butters and oils in these products deeply penetrate the skin which means they get under the surface and are absorbed quickly.  When you rub these lotions into your skin only the purest of ingredients are being absorbed and the end result is a body that helps to heal itself. Kim is now the winner of a $200 HHB Shopping Spree thanks to her tip.

Of course we wanted to know more about Kim and so here’s what she told us. “I am an older rider, 47, new to riding about 3 years ago.  I first rode hunter and now am learning dressage.  My horse Jack (formally known as You Don’t Know Jack) is my first horse and a great guy!  He is 10 years old and a locally bred and owned Quarter Horse.  I bought him two years ago.

“I have always loved horses since I first knew what one was and never had the chance until recently to learn how to ride or own one.  My philosophy on care for anything, human or animal, is to be as natural as possible so it was a challenge to find things to use for Jack that were not chemical based.  As you know there is a lot of stuff out there for horse care and it can be difficult to know what will not cause harm with long term use.

“I finally found one small company (Zephyrs Garden) that made a quality product and through them have found others like Healthy Horse Boutique that make great all natural products and also carry items for me!

“I was very excited to win the contest and cannot wait to try out the full seat Cavallo breeches I bought for the $200. It was a great way to gift myself for Mother’s Day! This is an item I would not normally have purchased for myself. I am on a ‘horse’ budget but have been told and read about the great reputation for quality these breeches have. I ride almost daily and need a quality garment that will take that kind of abuse. I was amazed and so happy that I had won and want to thank HHB for sponsoring such a wonderful contest!”

All of the products that Healthy Horse Boutique carries are organic and GMO free with no sugars, fillers or chemicals.

Both the Lip Balm and Body Butter can be purchased by going to the web site: and clicking on the Lotions & Potions link on the left. Each costs $10 for one jar. So, it’s an inexpensive way to discover all the wonderful uses for these products.  Products can be shipped anywhere in the US.

For a chance to win an upcoming HHB contest visit their Facebook page and Web Site where all contests are announced. If you have any concerns with your horse and would like to chat with HHB owner Marian Nilsen, email her at or write your comment on HHB’s Facebook page:, where Marian answers questions on how to keep you and your horse happy and healthy.

CONTACT: Press Link, Diana De Rosa,, 516-848-4867

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