Haddad-Staller and Page Awarded USEF Dressage High Performance Pre-Games Training and Competition Grants

Lexington, Ky. – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) is pleased to announce that USEF Dressage High Performance Pre-Games Training and Competition Grants have been awarded to two horse-and-rider combinations. These grants were awarded based on the riders’ detailed plans for training and competition in Europe as it relates to preparation for the Selection Trial for the U.S. Dressage Team Short List and 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, as well as their prospect of contributing to a Team and/or Individual medal at the Games.

The following horse-and-rider combinations have been awarded USEF Dressage High Performance Pre-Games Training and Competition Grants:

Catherine Haddad-Staller (Wellington, Fla.) and her own Mane Stream Hotmail
Mane Stream Hotmail is a 2002 Oldenburg gelding.

“I am really excited to show my horse in Europe this spring,” said Haddad-Staller. “We have three big shows planned:  Hagen (GER), Villach-Treffen (AUT), and Munich (GER). The USEF training grant we received has made the trip feasible for us. We are very proud to represent U.S. Dressage.”

Arlene Page (Wellington, Fla.) and her own Alina
Alina is a 1998 Danish mare.

“I am honored to have been awarded the USEF Training Grant. This grant will go a long way in supporting me as I prepare and compete Alina in Europe these next two months,” said Page. “I do not accept this grant lightly as I know that countless contributors to High Performance Dressage have given their resources trusting that we will use them wisely. I will do my very best to gratify their confidence in me and my lovely Alina.”

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