Grand Champions Polo Club Makes History with Instant Replay

Las Monjitas players and head umpire wait out third chukker challenge while officials under the Grand Champions tent (in the background) watch the instant replay. Photo by Scott Fisher.

WELLINGTON, FL – Jan. 19, 2014 — At the 6:46 mark of the third chukker of the Limited Edition 12-Goal Series game between Casablanca and Las Monjitas on Saturday, Grand Champions Polo Club made history.

For the first time in the sport’s history, instant replay was used in a regulation polo game.

The experimental video review process is being introduced in an effort to reduce the number of incorrect calls made in polo games.

Las Monjitas team captain Camilo Bautista decided to use his team’s one challenge to argue what he said was a foul before Wes Finlayson scored and put Casablanca ahead, 6-4.

With the teams waiting on the field, Polo Now executive producer Mike Ferreira and officials including USPA Umpires LLC executive director Charlie Muldoon reviewed the video replay and decided there was no foul. Casablanca chose not to use its challenge in the game.

“I don’t know if I like it; we didn’t win our challenge,” Bautista said with a smile. “It’s nice to be part of history. I threw the first challenge and we lost it.

“I am all for instant replay,” Bautista said. “In sports I think it’s important because they use it in Argentina. They don’t do the challenges but the refs talk to each other and they look at the instant replays so obviously it is good.”

With the sport’s increased popularity in the U.S., players agreed it’s time to catch up to the NBA, NFL and Major League Baseball among other pro sports that already use instant replay.

“I think it’s a very, very good idea,” said Argentine 9-goaler Miguel Astrada. “In polo we need new things. We have been using the same rules for a long time.

“With the technology and polo becoming more professional and sponsors spending more money on horses, you don’t want to lose a game because of a silly mistake,” Astrada said. “If you can avoid that not being an issue it will be very good for the game.”

Mike Ferreira, executive producer of, was pleased with the outcome.

“It went well for our first day; we were happy with it,” Ferreira said. “This was easy to execute. We can do this all day long.

“The USPA officials had a lot of questions during the game. Ultimately they were happy. It’s something that the sport needs. It should have happened a long time ago. It seems like teams want to challenge a few calls. It’s been something they talk about they wish they had and I think now that we have it more people will try and do it.”

Players and horses didn’t seem to mind the “challenge” break during the game.

“Out of all the pro sports, polo is probably the least developed since it began,” Casablanca’s Juancito Bollini said. “Right now they are starting to use more technology. We will have to see how it develops and see how it goes.”

Teammate Wes Finlayson sees the pros and cons of instant replays.

“It is time for this challenge system and instant replay is very helpful,” Finlayson said. “Hopefully, it’s not abused by the referees and players. There are a lot of complicated factors that come into play, but I like it so far.”

Peter Rizzo, USPA CEO, was one of the officials in the instant replay tent observing the process. Tom Gose, in charge of USPA Rules and Rules Interpretations Committee, will discuss what rule changes would be implemented. It is expected to be discussed during the USPA April meetings in Lake Worth where a demonstration will be held. Any rule changes would be made in October with possible implementation in 2015.

“I think it was a great start because we had a lot of interest not only from the club level but the USPA level,” Rizzo said. “We need to work out some bugs and work on protocol but it was a start. As a first start everybody was excited; there was a buzz around the tent watching it.

“Just looking at the high definition screen you can really see the plays,” Rizzo said. “There is still a concern whether it will slow down the game or disturb the horses. The key thing is we want to get it right. If we can get the calls correct, even if it helps 10 percent more, it will be huge.”

Rizzo praised Grand Champions for being a testing ground by taking the first step introducing instant replay. He would like to see it used in a stadium setting as well as other U.S. clubs throughout the year.

“The receptivity from the players was a thumbs-up,” Rizzo said. “I heard from the players, ‘it’s time, let’s do it.’ Getting the calls right is a positive thing.”

Flight Options player Melissa Ganzi, newly-elected member of the USPA Board of Directors, has been a driving force in introducing instant replay to help raise the bar in polo.

“It was a significant day for our club and polo,” Ganzi said. “I think this is important. It was special since we are the first club worldwide to have slow motion, instant replay.”

For game recaps, news, features and photos of Grand Champions Polo Club-related events, go to


JANUARY: Metropolitan Cup (5 goals); Aspen Valley Cup (8 goals); The Limited Edition 12-Goal Series.

FEBRUARY: Halo Polo Trophy (5 goals); USPA Cyril R. Harrison Trophy; USPA Sieber Memorial Trophy.

MARCH: Madelon Bourdieu Memorial (5 goals); The Limited Edition 8-Goal Series; USPA Regional President’s Cup (8 goals); $50,000 National 12-Goal Tournament; The Top Pony 12-Goal Series; Santa Rita Abierto (16 goals).

APRIL: Las Acacias (5 goals); USPA Association Cup (8 goals); Museum of Polo & Hall of Fame Challenge Cup (12-goals); John T. Oxley Memorial Trophy (16 goals).


JANUARY 20: Joanna Monaco Memorial Tournament, noon.

MARCH 9: Great Futures Celebrity Polo Match, 10 a.m., benefiting the Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys & Girls Club of Wellington.

MARCH 17: Buzz Welker Memorial Tournament

APRIL 3-5: Fifth annual Gay Polo League International Tournament

APRIL 8-12: Women’s Championship Tournament


WHERE: 13444 Southfields Road, on the corner of South Shore Boulevard and Lake Worth Road, Wellington, 561-644-5050.

INFORMATION: There are great field side views for tournament action at the home base of pro teams Audi and Flight Options. Everyone is welcome to watch high, medium and low goal polo in a relaxed atmosphere during the winter, spring and fall tournament season and other special events including International Cup in November, Buzz Welker Memorial Junior Tournament in March, ProKidz Tournaments in the spring and fall, Women’s Championship Tournament and Gay Polo League International Tournament, both in April.

Sharon Robb for Phelps Media Group, Inc. International

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Wellington, FL 33414
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