FEI Clean Sport on www.inside.fei.org

Lausanne (SUI), 31 May 2017 – In order to make all information about FEI Clean Sport more easily accessible, we have aggregated everything about Clean Sport for Humans and Clean Sport for Horses under one roof.

The Clean Sport button at the top of the home page on inside.fei.org now takes you directly to all the FEI Clean Sport information, together with details about testing, test results (both positive and negative) and FEI Tribunal cases and decisions.

Once you’ve accessed the landing page: http://inside.fei.org/fei/cleansport, you can choose between Clean Sport for Horses: http://inside.fei.org/fei/cleansport/horses and Clean Sport for Humans: http://inside.fei.org/fei/cleansport/humans.

We hope this will make your FEI Clean Sport journey more user-friendly.

FEI Media Contact:

Ruth Grundy
Manager Press Relations
Email: ruth.grundy@fei.org
Tel: +41 787 506 145

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