EQUUS Foundation Research Fellowships Awarded at the 2013 AAEP Convention

Left to Right: Wayne McIlwraith, BVSc, Ph.D., DSc, FRCVS, Diplomate ACVS & ACVSMR, AAEP Foundation Chairman, Dr. Amanda-Jo Joswig, Dr. Ann Dwyer, AAEP President and Dr. Richard Mitchell, EQUUS Foundation Board member.

WESTPORT, CT – December 13, 2013 – The EQUUS Foundation and the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Foundation jointly established the EQUUS Foundation Research Fellowship program in 2011 to emphasize the importance of equine research, to reward researchers for their contributions, and to meet the increasing need to train future equine veterinary researchers.

Two equine researchers were presented with the 2013 EQUUS Foundation Research Fellows for their work to advance veterinary knowledge during the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ 59th Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

Virginia Tech equine surgery resident Kendra Freeman, DVM, and Texas A&M University post-doctoral research associate Amanda-Jo Joswig, DVM, MPH, each received a $5,000 grant from the EQUUS Foundation to support their endeavors in equine research along with a $500 stipend to support their travel to the AAEP Convention.

“For the EQUUS Foundation, it’s all about how horses move people beyond their boundaries. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life of horses and welcome the opportunity to support the important work being done by equine researchers,” said Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President.

Kendra Freeman, DVM
Virginia Tech

Dr. Freeman’s research evaluates the effect of tendon repair techniques on intrinsic tendon vasculature. The study compares the effects of the three-loop pulley pattern and the six-strand Savage suture patterns for tenorrhaphy on the perfusion intrinsic tendon vasculature of the equine superficial digital flexor tendon.

The project will provide valuable information to veterinarians who treat life-threatening tendon lacerations.

Dr. Freeman received her DVM from Colorado State University in 2009 and also is pursuing a Masters in Biomedical Veterinary Sciences.

Amanda-Jo Joswig, DVM, MPH
Texas A&M University

Dr. Joswig’s research investigates the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in equine corneal ulcers as well as the safety of allogeneic MSCs used subconjunctivally. The study dually aims to determine whether horses mount an immune reaction to allogeneic MSCs injected subconjunctivally and to characterize corneal epithelial healing times when MSCs are used as a therapeutic.

The project has the potential to change the current paradigm for treatment of equine corneal ulcers and provide a novel use of MSCs and a basis for translational applications in other species, including humans.

Dr. Joswig earned her DVM and Masters in Public Health from the University of Florida in 2011.

The EQUUS Foundation Research Fellow is an AAEP member who has graduated from an AVMA-accredited school/college of veterinary medicine and plans to specialize in equine research. The applicant should be a current doctoral student or resident, or have completed their residency or doctorate within two years. The recipients will receive a $5,000 scholarship for conducting equine research plus a $500 stipend to assist with travel to the AAEP Convention. The grant may be used in collaboration with other funding. The EQUUS Foundation Research Fellows program emphasizes the importance of assisting equine researchers in their exploration of horse health care topics.

The deadline to apply for an EQUUS Foundation Research Fellow is August 1. For additional information, please visit the EQUUS Foundation website at http://www.equusfoundation.org/research-fellows.php.

About EQUUS Foundation

The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, also known as Horse Charities of America, is dedicated to improving the quality of life of horses, enabling the therapeutic use of horses for those in need, fostering the horse-human bond, and educating the public about the horse’s unique ability to empower, teach and heal. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail: equus@equusfoundation.org, Website: www.equusfoundation.org.

About The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Foundation

The AAEP Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization created in 1994, serves as the charitable arm of the American Association of Equine Practitioners to improve the welfare of the horse. Since its inception, the Foundation has allocated more than $2.8 million to support its mission.

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