Dr. Piper Klemm to Speak at College Preparatory Invitational Horse Show January 17th

Piper Klemm, publisher of The Plaid Horse Magazine, will give a keynote address at The College Preparatory Invitational Horse Show Welcome Reception and Educational Presentations session on Friday, January 17th at 7:00 PM at the Marriott West Palm Beach.

Dr. Klemm will speak on the challenges and opportunities that come with being in equestrian business, and advice for her audience on how they can make their way in the horse world without becoming trainers. She will also be discussing her upcoming summer online course 2020 at St. Lawrence University (click for more info).

Lindsay K. Martin, President of CPI, is thrilled that Dr. Klemm will be addressing their audience. “I love having Piper speak to our CPI riders because I feel that they can relate to her and her story and that will walk away learning something.”

The College Preparatory Invitational offers young equestrians, in grades 8-12, the opportunity to explore the college equestrian experience through comprehensive education, competition, and scholarship/community service program.

During the CPI Horse Show event, athletes experience collegiate equestrian competition format; they can explore an equestrian-focused college fair, attend educational presentations, and take advantage of the opportunity for direct conversations with college admissions.

CPI saves families the expense of transporting and stabling a competition horse by providing suitable horses, saddles, and tack, so participants need only bring their show clothes, helmets, and crops.

Copyright © 2020 The Plaid Horse Network

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