Dave Thind Method ‘Improve Your Riding from Home’ Series Begins June 8

Walpole, MA, USA (June 5, 2020) – Join equestrians around the world for group class with biomechanics specialist, Dave Thind. Learn signature DTM and Feldenkrais movement techniques that improve your riding, all from the comfort of your home or barn and for half the cost, for a limited time. So that Dave can adequately supervise and assist you, only 24 spots are available per session, and the last two sessions sold out. Riders from the USA, Canada, Brazil, and Australia have registered for this particular class, aiming to improve their flexibility, position, and strength in the saddle as well as reduce bad habits and chronic pain.

In the event that this class fills or doesn’t work for your time zone, check out www.DaveThindMethod.com for other availability, including the start of a similar series on June 16 in French.

This limited time, half-price offer is a special outreach event to help riders continue their education from home while social distancing or getting back into the groove after a period of not riding. Now into their 5th week, students in the two May groups are incredibly enthusiastic and are reporting tremendous results. The two sold out classes are filled with wonderful riders from across the world, from beginner to International Grand Prix riders.

“I’m enjoying the class and found that last week’s lesson was very helpful in re-setting my asymmetry — I had to adjust my stirrups during the prior week because I was so crooked. I needed to do that to function, but after the class was able to go back to even stirrups. Personally, I find it helpful that I have to ‘show up’ for the group class even if I don’t ask many questions or participate directly. I tend to procrastinate and not get around to watching recorded videos,” stated May student Liz Morton.

For only $17.50 per class ($140) you can join the global DTM community of riders in June and July for a fun, relaxing, and informative series of 8 classes. All 8 sessions will be taught live by equestrian biomechanics specialist and German FN Certified “Trainer A”, Dave Thind. The 50-minute classes are followed by Community Q&A to address any issues or concerns in the group of riders of all levels from the US, Canada, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and more.

When is it?
Class is held every Monday from June 8 through July 27, 5:00PM – 6:15PM EST*

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 7 at Midnight EST, or before if class fills. The session May sessions and overflow class both filled up with a waiting list, so book early to reserve your spot.

Riders that found themselves unable to ride as well as those who have been lucky enough to continue riding during this period have experienced outstanding results from Dave Thind Method’s series.

For more information on the Dave Thind Method, visit www.DaveThindMethod.com.

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