Daniela Stransky Launches Step Forward Therapeutic Riding Plan Accepted by Pepsi Refresh

Daniela Stransky’s ‘Step Forward’ Plan for Pepsi Refresh Project to Bring Horses to Disadvantaged & Disabled Children in Florida & Beyond

Vote & Help Create Jobs & Offer New Skills to Community in Need

Stransky's Mission Farm staff working with a Step Forward child on a pony

Junior Jumper champion Daniela Stransky of Miami Beach, Florida believes horses are the key to helping disadvantaged and disabled children realize a fuller and happier life.  To help jump-start the therapy riding program at Stransky’s Mission Farm at Le Club Wellington, the 15-year-old came up with the “Step Forward” campaign and sent her idea to the Pepsi Refresh Project.  The program will start by assisting the Miami Dade County and Palm Beach communities, with the ambitious goal of expanding to serve other communities in the U.S and around the world.  To vote for ‘Step Forward,’ go to http://www.refresheverything.com/stepforward.

For the second year, Pepsi has asked people from across the United States to submit bold ideas that have the power to move communities forward, focusing on Education, Communities and Arts & Music. “I came up with this ‘Step Forward’ because I ride horses and they are a constant inspiration in my life,” explained the Miami Country Day High School student.  “I love horses, assisting others, and helping others help themselves. My ‘Step Forward’ equestrian therapy program will help kids experience horses and learn from them, feel empowered, make new friends, and dream new dreams.  I know personally, horses can become your best friend, and this program will allow kids who need a best friend to have one.”

Group of therapy children with their ribbons at WEF

The ‘Step Forward’ riding program will not only help children but assist adding much needed employment opportunities for members of the community by training local residents to work with horses and children. “The hardest part of doing this therapy riding program is that we need to continue to raise money that is needed to serve as many children as possible and help educate people and then employ them to work for the program.”

Believing that every individual can refresh the world, Pepsi is enabling innovative ideas through the Pepsi Refresh Project, a platform for inspiration, learning and taking action.  By awarding more than $1.2 million each month to ideas that receive the most votes at www.RefreshEverything.com, Pepsi aims to encourage fun ideas that capture the youthful optimism in all of us.

Stransky’s “Step Forward” riding program is among the fifteen hundred ideas selected randomly and posted on www.RefreshEverything.com for voting. “I will know that I’m halfway to achieving my goal when at least 250 kids have the chance to come experience horses.  Much of my motivation comes from the support of my family and friends who help out with the program, and by seeing the smiles on each and every kid when they get to be around these amazing animals.”

Ideas submitted, including Daniela Stransky’s “Step Forward,” are now being voted on at www.RefreshEverything.com. To help Daniela Stransky and the Wellington, Florida community realize her “Step Forward” therapy riding program, vote daily at: http://www.refresheverything.com/stepforward.

If Daniela wins the Pepsi Refresh grant for her “Step Forward” plan, it will become an ongoing reality at Le Club Wellington in Florida.  The total estimated cost to train and certify staff, employ workers, care for horses, transport participants, and run the actual program is $25,000.  Breakdown of costs on the program can be found at: http://www.refresheverything.com/stepforward.

In partnership with GOOD, the Pepsi Refresh Project’s social impact partner, Pepsi will continue to provide support to Refresh Project grantees. GOOD will continue to work closely with grant recipients to activate their projects, ensure the greatest impact possible, and tell the inspiring, fun stories of grantees making a difference in their communities.  Pepsi will also continue its partnership with Global Giving to administer grant disbursements and monitoring.

Sydney Masters

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