
Mustang Monument Selected for Front Cover of Luxury Hotels of America Magazine’s Spring Issue

Dear Friends, Great news – Mustang Monument was selected as a favorite destination in the upcoming spring issue of Luxury Hotels of America! Our Eco-Resort will be prominently featured on the cover in addition to a multi-page spread within the magazine. We are excited to be a part of this wonderful multicultural publication that targets…


Saving America’s Mustangs Endorses Appointment of Rep. Grijalva as New Secretary of the Interior

Congressman Raul Grijalva’s name is being floated as a possible appointment to be the next Secretary of the Interior, and Saving America’s Mustangs thinks he is the best choice to lead this important federal agency. It would be a bold pick that would dramatically change how our federal government treats our federal lands. Will you…

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Take Action to Preserve Wyoming’s Wild Horses!

BLM is planning another destructive roundup of Wyoming’s wild horses. This time the agency has set its sights on the Adobe Town and Salt Wells herds in the southwestern section of the state — some of the largest remaining in the West. In addition, BLM plans to sell oil and gas development leases within the…

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Election Day Countdown for America’s Mustangs

Candidate Call-In for Mustangs & Burros Dear Friends of America’s Wild Horses and Burros: Are you willing to join me in calling and emailing every day until Election Day to push for true protection of our wild horses and burros on their legally designated homes on America’s western ranges? If so, pledge to call every…

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Urge Support for an Amendment to Protect America’s Horses

Dear Humanitarian: The House Appropriations Committee is poised to decide whether or not to block an unnecessary expansion of the federal government, save taxpayer dollars, and – of particular interest to humanitarians – protect horses from being cruelly slaughtered for human consumption. As soon as next week, the House Appropriations Committee may consider the FY13…

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A Tribute to Conquistador, by Ginger Kathrens

It is with great sadness I report to you the death of the magnificent band stallion, Conquistador. We were shocked to learn of his passing from our dear friend, Effie Orser, who noticed that she did not see him while visiting the scenic pasture where the three bands (Conquistador, Trigger, and Shane) live just outside…

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CEO of the Humane Society Responds to Wall Street Journal Article on Horse Slaughter

Gentlemen, I know there are a thousand critics out there, and I think I personally may have 995 of them, but I did want to take a moment to express my disappointment with your May 3rd piece on horse slaughter. I think you fell for the false framing of the issue by proponents of slaughter,…

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One Glorious Day: A Trip to the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range

Dear Friends; Lauryn, Carol Walker and I bumped up Tillett Ridge Road in the Pryor Mountains looking for horses, as I have for over 18 years now. How time flies when you’re having fun! We had only one day to try and see wild horses. Lauryn and I were on our way back from moving…

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BLM Selects Mustang Monument Wild Horse Eco-Preserve Proposal

Dear Friends and Supporters, We are elated to share the announcement from the Bureau of Land management that they are prepared to move forward with the wild horse eco-sanctuary that I have proposed in Elko County, Nevada. I want to personally thank the thousands upon thousands of supporters of Saving America’s Mustangs that have weighed…