Unprecedented Number of Entries Expected for CHI Royal Windsor Horse Show

This year, Organisers have added more classes to the 76th annual CHI Royal Windsor Horse Show giving a total of 147 Showing classes – the highest number in recent years. The best of the Brits are expected to compete at the iconic venue and it is anticipated that it will attract the largest number of entries yet.

Over 55,000 spectators will visit the famous showgrounds set in the private grounds of Windsor Castle from 8-12 May 2019 for five days of unmissable competition. For those hoping to contend, the windows for entries are as follows: Show Jumping, 5-12 March 2019; Showing and Carriage Driving, 7-29 March 2019.

New classes this year include Showing classes for Cleveland Bays (in hand and ridden), an RoR Open in Hand Show Series Qualifier, and In Hand classes for Pure Bred Arabs. New national Show Jumping classes include an Under 25 competition on Sunday. In addition, The Pony Club is running its Dressage Championships at the Show and there will an Oxford – Cambridge Varsity match Dressage competition.

Show Director, Simon Brooks-Ward, said: “Each year we receive the highest standard of entries which is a true testament to the Show, reiterating its importance in the equestrian calendar. With even more added to the Show’s programme this year, it will be extremely exciting to see which competitors shine throughout the week, and which classes are the most hotly contended.”

Britain’s leading competitors will be vying to make an impact in front of the home crowds. Her Majesty The Queen has been a regular contender, having had a number of significant wins over the years.

One of the country’s leading Showing producers, Jayne Ross, who is well aware of what it is like to win at the prestigious Show, commented: “There is an aura about Windsor from the moment you arrive, and if you’re really lucky and you win, you get a fantastic picture of being presented with the trophy with the backdrop of Windsor Castle. There is just nothing quite like it.”

Classes to look out for include:

Wednesday 8 May

Equitop Myoplast Senior Foxhunter
National 1.30m Open Jumping Competition
Land Rover National 1.40m Open Jumping Competition
Senior Horses / Ponies, In Hand and Ridden
Cleveland Bays
Ridden Part Bred and Anglo Arabs
RoR, In Hand

Thursday 9 May

Senior 1.35m and 1.45m jumping
Working Hunters
Inter Hunt Team Knockout
Light Trade Turnouts
Polo Pony
Private Driving
Ridden Pure Bred Arabs
In Hand Pure Bred and Part Bred Arabs
RoR Ridden

Friday 10 May

Senior 1.35m Grand Prix
Grades B and C Jumping Competition
Mountain and Moorlands In Hand
Sword, Lance, Revolver, and Tent Pegging
Coaching Marathon
Pony Club Dressage

Saturday 11 May

The Oxford-Cambridge Varsity Match
Land Rover Inter Schools Show Jumping Competition
Land Rover Services Team Jumping
Senior 1.45m Grand Prix
Mountain & Moorland Ridden
Mountain and Moorland Working hunters
Show Ponies
Child’s Leading Rein and First Ridden
Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein, First Ridden

Sunday 12 May

Under 25 Jumping Competition
The Champagne Laurent-Perrier Meet of the British Driving Society
Pony Club Show Jumping Competition
University Jumping Challenge
Working Hunter Ponies
Show Hunter Ponies
Riding Horses
Purebred and Part Bred Portuguese Lusitanos, Ridden (English)
Side Saddle Concours d’Elegance
Purebred and Part Bred Spanish Andalusian, Ridden (English)
Appaloosas, In Hand and Ridden

More information on how to enter can be found here.

To book tickets for Royal Windsor Horse Show, visit www.rwhs.co.uk. Tickets can also be purchased by calling the box office on 0844 581 0755 from the UK and +44 (0)121 7966 290 internationally. Windsor residents should call the Windsor Information Centre on 01753 743 589.

For more information, please contact:
Gayle Jenkins / rEvolution / gjenkins@revolutionworld.com / +44 (0)203 176 0355

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