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Tell Senators to Uphold the PAST Act

American Horse Council learned in late October that one animal welfare group and a handful of people from the walking horse industry have been meeting and circulating a proposed Senate “compromise” bill which would substantially alter the PAST Act (S. 1007).  The current version of the PAST Act lays out a common-sense solution to prevent the continued practice of soring and is limited in scope to Tennessee Walking Horses, Racking Horses, and Spotted Saddle Horses.  Unlike the streamlined, 12-page bill that passed the House by an overwhelming majority in 2019, the so-called “compromise” bill is more than triple the size and includes detailed inspection procedures, among other provisions not vetted by the horse industry.  Furthermore, the “compromise” includes language that could open other horse breeds to regulation, therefore undermining the laser-like focus of the PAST Act, as written.

As lawmakers wrap up their end of year business, contact your senators today and tell them to oppose any “compromise” bill that would alter the provisions of the PAST Act (S. 1007), as written and introduced in the Senate.

American Horse Council

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