BLM Plans Feedlot to Hold 4,000 Wild Horses
Increased funding from Congress has enabled the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to dramatically increase removals of wild horses and burros from our public lands this year.
It’s expected that more than 17,000 wild horses and burros will be removed in FY2021, a more than 50% increase over last year.
Now BLM is scrambling to find places to hold our removed wild horses and burros. Their answer? Factory farm-style feedlots.
One current proposal would allow 4,000 wild horses and burros to be confined in dirt pens on just 100 acres of land near Winnemucca, Nevada. These iconic, once wild and free animals will be forced to live, eat, and sleep in their own waste – which is a recipe for disease and death in such confined quarters.
Not surprisingly, this is a BLM partnership to benefit a livestock transport company. Once again, our magnificent wild horses and burros lose everything while Big Animal Agriculture gains.
Please take a moment to express your strong opposition to this ill-conceived plan.
Each of us must be on the record objecting to this proposal for the many legitimate humane, environmental, and tax-dollar accountability problems it creates. Please take quick action here!
The Cloud Foundation