$4,000 Raised in Less Than 48 Hours for the Horses in Tornado Stricken Oklahoma

We knew people would step up and help us raise funds for the horses and horse owners in Oklahoma but we never thought we’d raise so much money in such a short period of time!

We’ve received donations from as far away as JAPAN!

We would like to raise at least $15,000 so if you haven’t shared this with your horse friends, please do so ASAP. Put it on your Facebook and other social media sites and that will let even more people know about our efforts!

We will close the fundraising a week from Friday.  We are working with local people in Oklahoma to find out who we need to send the money to once all of it is collected. We will let you know when we disburse it.

Thanks to all of the horse publications who have posted our press release on their websites and social media sites. We will send out a list of those publications soon.

I’m doing an interview with FOX TV today about it!

THANKS to everyone who has donated money so far.  It’s taken us days to process the donations and we still aren’t done.

WHIN is asking everyone who receives this email to PASS IT ON to others they know in the horse industry.

Catherine Masters
WHIN, Inc.

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