23 Duos Pass Veterinary Inspection for 2012 United States Equestrian Federation Paralympic Selection Trials

Kai Handt jogging Silvano for Jonathan Wentz at 2012 USEF Paralympic Selection Trials/National Championships. Photo © Lindsay Y McCall

Gladstone, NJ – June 10, 2012 – In 2008, five Para-Equestrian Dressage riders competed in the United States Selection Trials for the Beijing Paralympics. Four years later twenty-three horse and rider combinations earned the right to compete at the 2012 United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Paralympic Selection Trials. Dr. Stacey Kent, DVM, FEI Ground Jury member Carlos Lopes 5* (POR), and USEF Dressage Team Vet Dr. Rick Mitchell, DVM were on hand to evaluate each horse during Sunday’s veterinary inspection. Each horse passed with flying colors shifting the rider’s focus to the next three days of competition. From June 11-13 Para-Equestrian athletes will compete at the United States Equestrian Team Foundation (USET) headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey. Running simultaneously with the Selection Trials is the 2012 USEF Para-Equestrian Dressage National Championships. Overall scores for both the Paralympic Selection Trials and National Championships will be calculated using 40% of the Team Test, 40% of the Individual and 20% of the Freestyle Test Score. With only four spots on the United States Para-Equestrian Dressage Team headed to London it will be crucial that each test is precisely executed.

During the three days of competition FEI Ground Jury members, Carlos Lopes (5*) POR, Anne Prain (5*) FRA, and Marc Urban (5*) BEL will evaluate each duo on their interpretation of their respective tests. These critiques will be valuable since equestrians will see these judges again when they qualify for London. Lopes and Prain are members of the ground jury and Marc Urban is the Assistant Technical Delegate for the Paralympics.

Many of the riders competing in the Selection Trials have felt the competitive environment of a show of this caliber before.  2008 Paralympic Team members Robin Brueckmann and Rebecca Hart have returned for another opportunity to represent the United States. Both of these riders represented the United States in Hong Kong and once again at the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG) in Lexington, KY. As seasoned riders there are always new variables. In November 2011 Robin Brueckmann had her right leg removed due to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. After years of pain and lacking motor function Brueckmann spoke to many doctors about the possibility of amputating her leg. Together they made a carefully contemplated decision to amputate her leg.  In three months she was riding in a three-star Para-Equestrian competition with her trusty horse Radetzky. Rebecca Hart will be riding Lord Ludger during the Selection Trials and National Championships.  Hart earned top scores throughout 2012 and has added a new horse for the Trials, Carlingsford’s Taldi.

2011 USEF Para-Equestrian National Champion and 2010 WEG rider Jonathan Wentz has had a banner year and is looking forward to riding NTEC Richter Scale and Silvano in his first Paralympic Selection Trials. His hard work and dedication has paid off in 2012 earning an Individual World Ranking of 10th overall.

In only four years the number of Para-Equestrian competitors multiplied. In 2010 Erin Alberda, Kim Decker, Wendy Fryke, Laura Goldman, Mary Jordan, Kim Jones and Elizabeth Pigott, were there when the 2010 WEG Selection Trials occurred. The WEG Trials was the first time the number of Para-Equestrians in the United States reached 20. It was also the first year Para-Equestrian Dressage became the eighth discipline represented at the World Equestrian Games.

In 2011, Eleanor Brimmer, Dale Dedrick, Laurietta Oakleaf, and Donna Ponessa joined the Para-Equestrian competition ring and climbed the ranks to earn top scores in their Grades and represent the United States internationally.

In 2012, former event rider Margaret McIntosh became a Para-Equestrian and young rider Sydney Collier joined the team. These riders are just a handful of riders that have become a part of the Para-Equestrian discipline over the last few years. After four years the sport continues to grow and the exceptional competition that will be showcased in Gladstone will be a Trials to remember.

Twenty-three horse and rider combinations will vie for four spots on the 2012 USEF Paralympic Team headed to London. Twenty-four horse and rider combinations will compete at the 2012 USEF Para-Equestrian Dressage National Championships. Riders that have made the journey to Gladstone, NJ and the Para-Dressage riders who are at home cheering their country on have made the Para-Equestrian Dressage discipline what it is today. Monday begins the Team Test competition, Tuesday follows with the Individual Test competition and Wednesday finishes with the Freestyle competition followed by an awards ceremony at the conclusion of competition.

To view an online version of this press release with more photos, please click here.

About United States Para-Equestrian Association:

The USPEA is a network of riders, judges, national federation board members, and equestrian enthusiasts.  The association gives athletes the ability to get involved and expand their knowledge and experience in the Para-Equestrian sport. The USPEA encourages para-athletes to participate in all disciplines under the para-equestrian umbrella.

The USPEA is a recognized affiliate of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) which serves as the National Governing Body for the equestrian sport.  This relationship between the USPEA and USEF is to encourage para-equestrian competitors, leisure riders, coaches, fans and enthusiasts to network and get involved with the entire equestrian sport.

Ultimately the goal of the USPEA is to foster growth in the para-equestrian discipline.  From growth in the number of participants to growth as a team, and growth in the experience and knowledge of all involved.  From local horse shows to international Olympic Games, the USPEA will provide para-equestrians the knowledge of what they need to succeed.  The USPEA connects with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI), the United States Dressage Federation (USDF), and USEF which provides Para-Equestrians the top equestrian resources.

In June 2010, the USPEA earned its 501 (c)(3) status which has encouraged supporters to help supply funding to the Para-Equestrian Team as a recognized affiliate of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF).

For more information about the USPEA please visit www.USPEA.org or contact USPEA President Hope Hand by e-mail: Wheeler966@aol.com or by phone: (610)356-6481.

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