1st Annual WHINNY Awards and 3rd Annual Conference a Huge Success!

The first annual WHINNY awards and the 3rd Annual Women in the Horse Industry Conference was a big success. The events were held October 6-8 in Nashville, Tennessee.

On Thursday night the red carpet was rolled out to identify and recognize people in the horse industry who are using their visibility to promote the welfare of the horse industry. Some of the WHINNY recipients who attended included Elizabeth Shatner (who not only received the award but picked up the one given to her husband Bill), country music superstar Lynn Anderson, Madeleine Pickens, Mike and Martha Borchetta, and Bonnie Garner. The event started off with live entertainment by some of country music’s most promising up and coming stars, including Keith Bryant, Dee Ann Dominy, Mark Wayne Glasmire, and Cassidy Lynn.

In addition to the live entertainment, there was both a silent and live auction benefiting several equine charities. Lynn Anderson served as the auctioneer and helped sell some wonderful items such as a signed guitar from the movie Country Strong by Gwyneth Paltrow and Tim McGraw and several paintings by Elizabeth Shatner. Some of the sponsors this year included Callaway Farms Manufacturing, National Equine Escrow, EasyMileLog, Equine Resources International, LLC, Tallgrass Animal Acupressure, and Energy Medicine, LLC.

The recipients received a stunning crystal horse head and a gift bag filled with items from the members of the Women’s Horse Industry Network.

The entire three days of events were videotaped by Wayne Williams for his Speaking with Horses TV network and broadcast around the country via cable systems and online.

Here’s what some of the recipients had to say:

“It was a wonderful event and we met some really great people. It was also a very moving event and I found myself with tears in my eyes from time to time. Knowing how much the people in the room cared about horses was really wonderful,” said Mike Borchetta.

“Dear Catherine,
Once again, thank you for the honor. I had an incredible time and met some very interesting and delightful people. Thank you also for taking care of Nina and Donna, the two ladies from Horse Haven. They were able to make some important connections. The goodie bags are spectacular. I am still going thru them and discovering more and more great things. My WHINNY is on the mantle next to the Grammy. Thank you again, so very much.”
Bonnie Garner

Dear Catherine,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for including me in this company of incredible Horse Women. The evening had me in tears and laughter! What wonderful ladies you brought together. Congratulations on your foresight and your fortitude in pulling this event off. I hope you know that you’ve opened up “Pandora’s Box” and you will not be allowed to stop now! I have a couple of notable ladies I’d like to nominate for next year’s “WHINNY AWARDS”.
With love and respect,
Lynn Anderson

Photos are on our website.

Plans are underway for the 2nd Annual WHINNY awards and dates and location will be announced soon.

The next two days were spent attending seminars and networking with women from around the world at the 3rd Annual Business Networking Expo. “There was something for everyone from our exhibitors and a lot of valuable information shared by our speakers,” states Catherine Masters, President of the network.

The 4th Annual Business Networking Expo will again coincide with the WHINNY awards next year but the awards dinner will be held the last day of the conference instead of the first evening. “Most of us were worn out from the awards dinner and by having it the last night of the conference, I think it will give everyone a chance to be rested for the seminars and panels,” Masters add.

Organizers are looking at Lexington, Kentucky as a possible location for next year’s events.

For additional information on the Women’s Horse Industry Network, please visit our website or call 615-730-7833.

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