WHIA Newsletter – May 1, 2011

Hi Everyone:
Busy, busy, busy. Like everyone else, we are super busy here at headquarters. Mercury is no longer retrograde so I am sure things are amping up for you as well. People want to do business and that makes us really happy. If you aren’t doing business, pick up the phone and call one of our members. I can almost guarantee you that you will hang up the phone with a new client or friend.

The long-awaited 2011 Women You Should Know in the Horse Industry e-book is almost finished. We are just going over the listings and ads making sure we have everyone who signed up. Thanks to everyone who took a listing or an ad. We should have it out on or before Mother’s day. IF YOU HAVE NOT SENT YOUR AD IN BY MONDAY, MAY 2 AT 5PM, YOU WILL NOT BE INCLUDED. The book looks great and Debby has done a fabulous job on putting it together for us.

We are going to make some changes at the WHIA.  We are going to drop the word “Association”. It confuses some people and we feel that it doesn’t really portray what we are. We are a business network made up of women working in the horse industry. Our only mission is to provide our members with low cost or no cost advertising and promotional programs and to help our members gather the information and the contacts they need to succeed.  We will change the name to The Women’s Horse Industry Network.  WHIN. I really like the sound of that, don’t you? “WIN with WHIN”. It will take us a while to get everything changed but we’ll do it.  So, please excuse our dust on our website as we make these changes. We have a lot of advertising and promotional items in the marketplace right now for our upcoming events, etc. so we cannot make the change immediately. This is a MASSIVE job but we expect to have all the 500+ website pages, ad copy, etc. with our new logo changed to reflect our new name shortly after the October conference.

Read more> http://www.horsesinthesouth.com/article/article_detail.aspx?id=13786

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