Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie

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Today is your day! Take it! It is YOURS! Let’s do something with this day!

It’s easy to say, let’s wait until tomorrow. But that’s not going to get you anywhere. So let’s change that.

Today is it. Let’s set a few goals. One for today, one for this week, one for this month, and one for this year. Get a pen and piece of paper and write down four things.

What would you like to achieve today?
What would you like to achieve this week?
What would you like to achieve this month?
What would you like to achieve this year?

Be VERY specific.

Also, write your goals in the PRESENT tense as if you’ve already achieved your goal. Your subconscious is just waiting for your instructions so program it with what you want such as:

“Today I ___________”
“This week I ___________”
“This month I ___________”
“This year I ______________”

Hang your list somewhere you’ll see it every day. We’ll be talking about it again…

Now get out there and RIDE! Your horse is waiting for you! He’s very excited to get to work with you today.

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

I am very good at catching things. I mean VERY good at it! It makes me feel good to snag flying tennis balls out of the air.

I’ve been swimming a lot too. I wasn’t sure I could swim at first, but I took a chance and leaped into the water. I found out quickly that I’m a good swimmer! Some things you’re naturally good at. Some things you have to work at.

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Either way, doing something really well is very good for your inner being.

What would you like to do well? What would it take for you to give that your attention this week? Can you make the time? Are you willing to do the work it takes to be really GOOD at it?

In Jane’s book, A Winning Attitude, she shares a great quote by her father, Benjamin Elkind: “Do every job, no matter how small, with the care and high standards that would make you proud to sign your name to your work.”

I’m on my way out to practice catching Frisbees. What are you doing today?

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602

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