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Horses and Mesothelioma: Understanding Naturopathy’s Benefits

From immunotherapy to yoga classes, there are a host of different treatment options for patients dealing with mesothelioma. As science continues to make strides toward better prognoses, patients have choices to make when it comes to their well-being. A unique pathway involves the use of horses. These gentle giants are showing promise for cancer patients where other treatments are failing. Get to know how the equine can help patients through recovery and beyond.

Being Part of the World

Emerging treatments are almost always being tested and approved, but they normally come in the form of a drug. Patients don’t want to be part of an experiment. They simply want to feel like they’re still part of this world and community. By working with a horse several times a week, patients feel a sense of purpose. They might be in charge of walking the animals around so that they can stretch out before a workout. The horse responds to the person with simple gestures, which is all that’s necessary to lift a patient’s spirits and take the mind away from any worries.

Gaining Flexibility

A fascinating aspect to working with horses is the flexibility value. During a visit, patients brush the animal’s mane and other key areas. These repetitive and relaxing motions actually build muscle without the patients knowing it. Their alternative therapies consist of exercise that builds the upper body. As time goes by, the patients feel stronger with extra energy at the end of the session. Fighting off fatigue is one of the hardest parts of mesothelioma treatment. Gaining energy by doing something good for a unique animal is both physically and mentally appealing.

Mental Wellness

For many patients, dealing with a cancer diagnosis is mentally debilitating. Loved ones may support the person, but remaining positive during months and years of treatment can be difficult. Working with a horse changes that situation. The patient looks forward to the encounter with a huge smile on his or her face. Happiness alone has been proven to help patients with increased stress levels, which may lead to complications if worries overwhelm the person. Laughing, smiling and talking to the animal are all good therapies to help the cancer survivor thrive.

Alternative Support

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is frightening and isolating. Although patients may have a strong support system at home, those loved ones cannot understand every aspect of the struggle. As an alternative support system, patients depend on the relationship that they forge with these gentle giants. A horse has incredibly deep eyes that seem to penetrate a person’s ego. The calmness within the animal makes this patient experience a unique one. Because the animal is calm with a sense of stability in the world, patients feel the same energy as they brush, stroke or walk it around a stable or pen.

Mesothelioma treatment might include other naturopathic elements, such as strategic tea drinking and exercise. Ideally, a combination of different treatments is necessary to successfully fight off cancer. With a little help from the horses, patients can feel better than ever before.

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